Welcome to aiohttp-remotes’s documentation!

The library is a set of useful tools for aiohttp.web server.

The full list of tools is:

  • AllowedHosts – restrict a set of incoming connections to allowed hosts only.

  • BasicAuth – protect web application by basic auth authorization.

  • Cloudflare – make sure that web application is protected by CloudFlare.

  • ForwardedRelaxed and ForwardedStrict – process Forwarded HTTP header and modify corresponding scheme, host, remote attributes in strong secured and relaxed modes.

  • Secure – ensure that web application is handled by HTTPS (SSL/TLS) only, redirect plain HTTP to HTTPS automatically.

  • XForwardedRelaxed and XForwardedStrict – the same as ForwardedRelaxed and ForwardedStrict but process old-fashion X-Forwarded-* headers instead of new standard Forwarded.

Indices and tables