API === .. module:: aiohttp_remotes .. currentmodule:: aiohttp_remotes Setup ----- .. cofunction:: setup(app, *tools) Setup tools provided by the module. A tool is class instance from described below list, the functon registers provided tools into aiohttp application *app*, e.g.:: from aiohttp_remotes import BasicAuth, Secure, setup app = web.Application() await setup(app, Secure(), BasicAuth("user", "password", "realm")) Order of tools is important: in the example redirect to HTTPS is performed *before* credentials check, thus login/password is sent via SSL encrypted connection. AllowedHosts ------------ .. class:: AllowedHosts(allowed_hosts=('*',), *, white_paths_()) Restrict a list of host/domain names that this aiohttp application can serve. This is a security measure to prevent *HTTP Host header attacks*, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations. :param allowed_hosts: an iterable of allowed client IP addresses. ``'*'`` is a wildcard for accepting any host. :param white_paths: an iterable of white paths, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-white_paths` for details. BasicAuth --------- .. class:: BasicAuth(username, password, realm, * white_paths=()) Protect web application by `basic auth `_ authorization. :param str username: user name :param str password: password :param str realm: realm :param white_paths: an iterable of white paths, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-white_paths` for details. CloudFlare ---------- .. class:: Cloudflare(client=None) Make sure that web application is protected by CloudFlare. The tools should be used with :class:`XForwardedStrict` or :class:`XForwardedRelaxed` to setup HTTP *scheme*, *host* and *remote* properly. :param client: :class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` instance for performing HTTP requests to CloudFlare configuration resources. The class creates a temporary client if ``None`` is provided. Forwarded --------- .. class:: ForwardedRelaxed(num=1) Modify :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.scheme`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.host`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.remote` attributes giving the values from *num* ``Forwarded`` HTTP header record (last one by default). The tools is useful for getting real client IP, scheme (HTTPS or HTTP) and HOST if aiohttp application is deployed behind *Reverse Proxy* like NGINX. The class does not perform any security check, use it with caution. .. class:: ForwardedStrict(trusted, *, white_paths=()) Process ``Forwarded`` HTTP header and modify corresponding :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.scheme`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.host`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.remote` attributes in strong secure mode. Restrict access (return *400 Bad Request*) if *reverse proxy* addresses are not match provided configuration. :param trusted: a list of trusted reverse proxies, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-trusted-list` for details. :param white_paths: an iterable of white paths, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-white_paths` for details. Secure ------ .. class:: Secure(*, redirect=True, redirect_url=None, white_paths=()) Ensure that web application is handled by HTTPS (SSL/TLS) only, redirect plain HTTP to HTTPS automatically. :param bool redirect: do redirection instead of returning *400 Bad Request*. :param redirect_url: redirection URL, the same usr as requested non-secure HTTP if not specified. :param white_paths: an iterable of white paths, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-white_paths` for details. X-Forwarded ----------- .. class:: XForwardedRelaxed(num=1) Modify :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.scheme`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.host`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.remote` attributes giving the values from *num* ``X-Forwarded-*`` HTTP headers (last record by default). The tools is useful for getting real client IP, scheme (HTTPS or HTTP) and HOST if aiohttp application is deployed behind *Reverse Proxy* like NGINX. The class does not perform any security check, use it with caution. .. class:: XForwardedStrict(trusted, *, white_paths=()) Process ``X-Forwarded-*`` HTTP headers and modify corresponding :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.scheme`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.host`, :attr:`~web.BaseRequest.remote` attributes in strong secure mode. Restrict access (return *400 Bad Request*) if *reverse proxy* addresses are not match provided configuration. :param trusted: a list of trusted reverse proxies, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-trusted-list` for details. :param white_paths: an iterable of white paths, see :ref:`aiohttp-remotes-white_paths` for details. .. _aiohttp-remotes-trusted-list: Trusted hosts ------------- *trusted* parameter is a sequence of trusted hosts or networks. The format is list of items, where every item describes a *reverse proxy*. Item can be: * A list of IP addresses or networks, every element is: * IP address is IPv4 or IPv6 in form accepted by :func:`ipaddress.ip_address`. * Network is IPv4 or IPv6 network in form accepted by :func:`ipaddress.ip_network`. * Ellipsis ``...`` The check is performed against ``Forwarded`` or ``X-Forwarded-*`` HTTP headers. The leftmost item in the list describes *reverse proxy* closest to web application's host. IP address or network is specified by strict checking, ``...`` is the placeholder for skip checking (should be rightmost element). In practice ellipsis is secure if used with CloudFlare only. :class:`Cloudflare` checks corresponding proxy against a list of CloudFlare proxy networks provided by the service at configuration stage. .. _aiohttp-remotes-white_paths: White paths ----------- Many classes from the library accepts *white_paths* parameter, an iterable of white paths. If :attr:`~aiohttp.web.BaseRequest.path` is in the list all checks are skipped. White list is useful for system routes like health checks and monitoring.